Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 6 - Gearing up for Superbowl!

Ok, so I am not really gearing up to watch the Superbowl, just looking forward to a party my mother-in-law is putting on for the kids. Timmy's cousins, some of their friends, Timmy and his buddy Josh, Josh's parents, Mike's parents and Mike and I will all be hanging out in Folsom tomorrow. The kids got to make the menu and had to help prepare it today to get ready.

At least I know that Connie is on the wellness challenge with me and we are going to try and keep each other on task. I think I may need to take a few of my free points that I have left for the week... By the way, Friday I had to use my free points for eating sweets and eating after 8pm because I plain forgot. I was doing good all week when our Friday afternoon lunch plans tricked me. Even though I just took 2 very small bites of the fudgy brownie sundae, I still cheated... So then I figured I would take the free point for the week and be done, but since I was already in violation, I had some more ice cream later that evening and forgot that it was past 8pm, so I had to take my other free point. UGH!!!

I am back on track now, and hope to stay on track tomorrow. I think i need to start next week with some Ginkobaloba to help me remember!!!

Well, I will let you know how it goes. Blessings, Trina

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