Monday, February 1, 2010

Wellness Challenge Parameters

Ok, so if anyone was wondering what this whole welness challenge is all about, here it is:

Points are earned in 10 categories each day (70 points per week)
  1. Drink 48 ounces of water
  2. 45 minutes of exercise daily
  3. Consume 2 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruit
  4. NO soda or alcohol
  5. No sweets (desserts, pastries, candy, sugary snacks or cereals - but sugar free alternatives are fine) NO fast food or unhealthy snacks (potato chips,etc.)
  6. NO eating after 8:00pm
  7. Read 15 minutes of spiritual or uplifting text
  8. Write in your journal
  9. Express specific appreciation, love or praise to another person
  10. Set a weekly personal goal to accomplish daily (read to your kids 15 minutes a day, get 8 hrs of sleep per night, etc.)

There are free days (Valentine's Day, birthday, etc.) and you get one free point per week in each of the 10 categories that you do not have to use unless you want to. (They do not carry over week to week)

This is a 90 day challenge, so here I go... I will be updating my blog as my journal.

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