Good Evening! Well, I thought I was going to have a rough day since I had to go to the office, but NOPE!! It was another great day for my challenge. I took my breakfast, ate a salad and small turkey sandwich for lunch. Lots and Lots of water. Success!!
When I got home Timothy and I spent 90 minutes in the pool chasing each other around. It was great. I have so much fun spending time with that crazy kid of mine. I cannot wait to have the kind of energy I will need to keep up with him in a few years.
My weekly goal this week is to spend 15 minutes a day talking to Timothy about God.
Have a great night!!
~~ Trina
Day 8
Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week - none
Weekly Points 10/70
Challenge Total 79/900
Friday, June 8, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Day 7 - One Week Down
It feels so good to know that I have made it one week in this personal challenge. I have had a few days where I felt like using my free points, but then remembered why I am doing this challenge. This challenge is a way for me to get to know myself again. To know that I have the ability to control what decisions I make and that with the strength God has blessed me with, I am going to see this through. I am not just wanting to do a 90 day challenge, I am wanting to make a complete inner transformation and with that I know that the outer transformation will follow.
I have always thought that I was not strong enough to get through this on my own, but I am finally starting to see that I am not alone. I have my Creator there to lift me in the times I need Him, and comfort me instead of the food being my counselor. My new motto is that food is for energy and sustenance, not for comfort and pleasure. Yes, do not get me wrong, food can be enjoyable, but should not hold any power over my life.
Thank you to all of you that are constantly there to lift me when I need it and the highest praises to my Heavenly Father!
Day 7
Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise, under 8 hrs sleep)
Weekly Points 69/70
Challenge Total 69/900
I have always thought that I was not strong enough to get through this on my own, but I am finally starting to see that I am not alone. I have my Creator there to lift me in the times I need Him, and comfort me instead of the food being my counselor. My new motto is that food is for energy and sustenance, not for comfort and pleasure. Yes, do not get me wrong, food can be enjoyable, but should not hold any power over my life.
Thank you to all of you that are constantly there to lift me when I need it and the highest praises to my Heavenly Father!
Day 7
Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise, under 8 hrs sleep)
Weekly Points 69/70
Challenge Total 69/900
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Day 6 - Creative Cardio

I have been good with my water, food, no sweets, etc. I have cut it close on the 8 hours sleep, but managed. Whew! I am going to go tuck myself in and get my glorious 8 hours sleep. :)
God Bless,
~~ Trina

Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise, under 8 hrs sleep)
Weekly Points 59/70
Challenge Total 59/900
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Day 5 - Getting in the Groove
My day has been pretty good. I am not running into too many challenges in earning my points for the day. I have found myself planning my days a bit better and I know that helps. I took it easy on my hip again today so I will not get my exercise point today. I have to use my free point yesterday for not getting 8 hours sleep as I ended up working for several hours after my bedtime last night and Timothy was up extra early this morning.
I am feeling overall much better following this Challenge than the routine I was in, so I am taking that as a success.
~~ Trina
Day 5
Daily Points 9/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise, under 8 hrs sleep)
Weekly Points 49/70
I am feeling overall much better following this Challenge than the routine I was in, so I am taking that as a success.
~~ Trina
Day 5
Daily Points 9/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise, under 8 hrs sleep)
Weekly Points 49/70
Monday, June 4, 2012
Day 4 - Doctor Day
I had a great day today. I feel good not wanting to have the sweets and the junk food. There has been no desire to have any fast food either. I had a doctor appointment today to try and figure out what has been going on with my hip. I found out today that I have Trochanteric bursitis and I have been told to rest my hip and I am only allowed to exercise in the pool for a few weeks. I was instructed to stay off my feet as much as possible to try and reduce the swelling.
So I am going to take my free point for the day on exercise as it has been raining all day. Very strange weather. One day it is 95 and hot and the next day it is 70 and raining. If my hip is feeling a little better tomorrow, I am going to try some stretching and some arm band work tomorrow.
Well, I guess I need to wrap it up for tonight as I need to be in bed by 10pm to get my 8 hours sleep. Rest well and feel well.
~~ Trina
Day 4
Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise)
Weekly Points 40/70
So I am going to take my free point for the day on exercise as it has been raining all day. Very strange weather. One day it is 95 and hot and the next day it is 70 and raining. If my hip is feeling a little better tomorrow, I am going to try some stretching and some arm band work tomorrow.
Well, I guess I need to wrap it up for tonight as I need to be in bed by 10pm to get my 8 hours sleep. Rest well and feel well.
~~ Trina
Day 4
Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise)
Weekly Points 40/70
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Day 3 - Birthday Party Day
Today I have surprisingly made my 10/10 points again. Timothy and I swam in the pool for 2 hours and it felt great. Hard to think that the weather is supposed to bring rain tomorrow. Timothy had a birthday party at his school buddies house and there was yummy looking cupcakes that I politely declined. We also went out to dinner and I opted for tea, salad as my side, and no dessert. It has felt really good knowing I have been able to be strong and not cheat.
I have been able to get more than 8 hours of sleep each night and the water has not been a challenge. Thank you God for the strength to stay on track each day. I am so glad I am precious to God, so precious He only wants what is best for me.
“‘They shall be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them My jewels.’” Malachi 3:17
~~ Trina
Day 3
Daily Points 10/10
Weekly Points 30/70
I have been able to get more than 8 hours of sleep each night and the water has not been a challenge. Thank you God for the strength to stay on track each day. I am so glad I am precious to God, so precious He only wants what is best for me.
“‘They shall be Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘On the day that I make them My jewels.’” Malachi 3:17
~~ Trina
Day 3
Daily Points 10/10
Weekly Points 30/70
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