Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our Day - Timmy, Quilt Show and Rapunzel

It was quite an exciting day today. Grammy came over this morning and Timothy, Grammy and I headed to the Quilt show in Auburn. We got there and began looking at quilts when we ran into Grandma Lynn who helps put on the quilt show. The quilts were beautiful and Grandma Lynn took Timothy to the Kid Zone so we could look around. Timothy was very proud that he got to arrange some small blocks that would be made into a preemie baby quilt.

We left the quilt show to drive back to Carmichael to go to Chautauqua Playhouse to see Rapunzel. Timothy had only heard this story a few times and it was radically different from the version he had heard, but he really enjoyed the play. Of course his favorite part was intermission when he got to get a treat.

I was not able to take pictures of the craft room progress today, but should have them posted by tomorrow.

Good Night ~~~ Trina

Friday, April 9, 2010

You Will Never Believe This!!

I was actually able to get in some crafting. I made this cute little paper basket for Timothy's teacher for Easter. She loved it!! It was a bit challenging to hold it together and get the first couple rows with the little narrow band at the bottom started, but it was worth it in the long run.

I have not been posting my Wellness Challenges as I have been writing in a paper journal for the past few weeks. I will resume postings tomorrow.

Hope you all had a great day and I will be back tomorrow with pictures of the craft room cabinet project. I will be very excited when this is all done and I can get all my crafting stuff put away.

God Bless ~~ Trina