I had a great day today. I feel good not wanting to have the sweets and the junk food. There has been no desire to have any fast food either. I had a doctor appointment today to try and figure out what has been going on with my hip. I found out today that I have Trochanteric bursitis and I have been told to rest my hip and I am only allowed to exercise in the pool for a few weeks. I was instructed to stay off my feet as much as possible to try and reduce the swelling.
So I am going to take my free point for the day on exercise as it has been raining all day. Very strange weather. One day it is 95 and hot and the next day it is 70 and raining. If my hip is feeling a little better tomorrow, I am going to try some stretching and some arm band work tomorrow.
Well, I guess I need to wrap it up for tonight as I need to be in bed by 10pm to get my 8 hours sleep. Rest well and feel well.
~~ Trina
Day 4
Daily Points 10/10
Free Points used for the week (exercise)
Weekly Points 40/70
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