Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2 - Rough Day

Today is proving to be a pretty rough day for me. I woke up knowing it was Groundhogs Day and that always used to be a reminder to call Dad for his birthday. He would have been 70 years old today and I am missing him. I have made several moves to the "comfort" foods to try and ease the pain, but so far, so good.

Other than that, I have been doing pretty well. I need to get my rear in gear to get in all my water, but other than that, it looks like I will earn all 10 points for today too. Whoo hoo!!! I am excited to see how my Jenny Craig weigh in goes on Friday as well. I am in week 4 and for the last 3 weigh-ins, I have lost 3.2 lbs each week. It also helps that Mike is on Jenny too.

More later.

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