Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 40 - Another 2 Pound Loss

I weighed in this morning and I was down another 2 pounds. Whoo Hoo!!! It feels good knowing that I have lost over 18 pounds in the last few months. I have committed to losing 2 more pounds this week and I know I will be able to achieve that goal. My Jenny counselor is awesome and the entire staff has rallied around to encourage and love on me. Feels pretty good to know so many are in this with me.

My heels are really bothering me this week and getting on the Wii Fit has been challenging for me. I feel like both my Achilles are going to snap when I am trying to walk on them. It is better once I get moving, but the first minute of walking is a killer. I need to get back into the ice and stay off routine... ugh. Bike riding does not aggravate them that much, so I am excited to do more of that once the weather clears up.

Have a great night. ~~ Trina

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