Wednesday, April 14, 2010

5 Year Old with Tude!!

I believe I have a 5 year old that is going on 60. He is so set in his ways and his little routines, that he cannot handle the silliest of changes. He is all good when it comes to major changes, but not the little ones. I was not aware that it is a crime to get dressed before we eat breakfast, or that the world is going to end if we take a bath in the morning.

I fear that I now have two little old men living in this house now and they are both VERY set in their ways. I love both of them dearly, but UGH... Sometimes it needs to be alright that we do things on a different schedule and it not have to signify the end times.

Well, I need to go get caught up on my laundry, so have a great evening.

~~ Trina

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