Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 48 - Baby Shower Today

I am adding my blogs that I hand wrote, so here is Saturday. Today Timmy actually slept in until 9:30am. Yippee!!! I love it when I get to sleep in. It seems that he has not been able to adjust too well to the time change, at least not in the morning.

I stayed up late last night planning out where the cabinets are going to go in the craft room. I am so excited that they will be in soon and I can finally get all my stuff organized. I will have to take a few pictures during the process to share.

It was a fun ride to the Baby Shower with 9 people in the Suburban ranging from Grams(90 years old) to Timmy (5 years old). I love it that we get to have times like this for bonding. :)
The shower was nice and Timmy had a few friends to pal around with. There were lots of people there and so many cute girl outfits.

Have a Great Night! ~~ Trina

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